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Withdrawal, Forfeits & Program Transfers


There are no refunds under any circumstances, no matter the length of notice or time since the booking was made, however, should you decide to withdraw from either our ice skating programs or rollerblading programs, there are three options available:

1. Program Transfer

2. Timeslot Swap

3. Forfeit/Withdrawal

Program Transfers:

Program transfers are permitted, and are an option, free of charge. The skater who booked the slot is responsible for finding an individual to transfer their slot to, within 1 week of the program start date. The start date cannot be adjusted. If you have someone looking to take over your registered program, reach out to our team for a transfer form. Any reimbursement for the amount of your booking is to be arranged within yourself and the party in which you have completed the transfer to. SWC does not reimburse you for your program transfer. There are no refunds or makeups under any circumstances from SWC, including but not limited to, missed classes or withdrawals/forfeited programs unless cancelled by SkateWithCass.

Timeslot Swap:

If an unforeseen circumstance has arisen and you are unable to find another interested skater to transfer your program to, a timeslot swap is available for an additional $60 (per registrant/per adjusted slot). This will allow you to swap your entire program into another day pairing, within the same month. This is pending availability, and this option is not guaranteed. This option is only provided if availability pertains, and payment is only completed if availability pertains. Should you be swapping into a program that has more classes than your original program, you will be required to pay the difference to ensure you are fully enrolled in the new timeslot. For example:

Old Program: 6 Classes

New Program: 8 Classes 


You forfeit/withdrawal from your spot, with no refund and/or makeup.

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